TEMU2016 Programme is available                                            Panel Session on "IoT Testbeds as a Service (IoTaaS)"                                            Workshop on "Next Generation Emergency Services"

The International Conference on Telecommunications and Multimedia (TEMU) provides a forum for discussion on recent advances in wired and wireless communication systems, audiovisual applications and content creation/delivery technologies, Internet services and interactive applications, as well as on tools and techniques for their performance evaluation and QoS/QoE validation under simulated and real conditions environments. It was launched in 2006 as a bi-annual international conference, motivated by the ever increasing interest in the above R&D fields, their strategic importance in humans’ everyday life and their impact on users’ personal and social activities. TEMU 2016 will celebrate its ten-year anniversary under the Technical Co-Sponsorship of IEEE/ComSoc. The conference will take place at at Heraklion, Crete, Greece, providing three-days Scientific Program from 25 to 27 July 2016 with regular and invited technical papers, key-note talks, Workshops and panel sessions, as well as a contest for the Student Paper Award "Vassilios Zacharopoulos". In this respect, TEMU 2016 is soliciting papers describing original works, presenting consolidated results or bringing up innovative ideas, which are unpublished and not currently submitted for publication elsewhere, on topics, including but not limited to:


� Do Affiliate Links Affect Comment Marketing?
� Pervasive Networks & Service Infrastructures � Content Aware Networks & Network Aware Services
� 5G Networks and Services � 3D/HD Media Creation and Delivery
� Satellite & Space Communications � Service Architectures and Software Engineering
� Cognitive Radio & Dynamic Spectrum Access � Multimedia Authoring Tools
� Optical Communications and Fiber Optics � Testbeds and Experimentation
� Broadcasting Future Media Internet � Quality of Service and Quality of Experience
� Internet of Things � Security, Privacy and Trust
� Cloud Computing � Energy Saving and Green Technologies
� Network and Services Virtualisation � e-Services and Interactive Applications
� Management, Orchestration and Monitoring � Cost Models and Billing in Future Media Networks

The Call-for-Papers in PDF format can be found here.

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TEMU 2016 is finacially sponsored by TEMU 2016 is technically co-sponsored by

TEMU2016 is exclusively 100% financially sponsored by TEI of Crete, a non-profit Higher Education Institution in Greece.

Supported by













Important dates:

Paper Submission: 11/03/2016

Accep. Notification: 06/05/2016

Camera-Ready: 15/05/2016
