Call for Papers

Authors are invited to submit novel, challenging and innovative results on both theoretical and practical aspects of the scope of the conference, which include but is not limited to (the CfP in PDF format can be found here):

Wired/Cable/Fibre Communications
� Network architectures and protocols
� Twisted pair copper systems and xDSL
� Broadband Power Line communications
� Hybrid Fiber Coaxial (HFC) systems
� FTTx and Passive/Active Optical Networks
� Optical network architectures, control and management
� Routing and wavelength assignment
� IP-WDM integration
� Optical networks to support Cloud and Grid computing
� Field trials, new applications and experiments
� Energy efficient/green wired/cable networks
� Network security and privacy
� Standardization activities on wired/cable networks

QoS, Reliability and Modelling
� Quality in Multimedia Networks including VoIP and IPTV
� Performance Evaluation Techniques
� Quality, Scalability and Performance in the Internet
� Network Simulation Techniques
� Quality and Performance in Wireless and Mobile Networks
� Network Modelling
� Quality, Reliability and Performance in Optical Networks
� Network Measurement and Monitoring Techniques
� Quality in Distributed Systems and Cloud Computing
� Resource Allocation for Networks and their services
� Traffic and Workload Modelling and Characterization
� Metrics and Models for Quality of Experience (QoE)
� Standardization Aspects of QoS and Reliability

Wireless/Mobile Communications
� Network architecture and protocols
� Standardization on Wireless Systems
� Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, WiMAX, LTE, WLL and Cellular Access
� Broadcast Networks, Satellite & Space communications
� Wireless LAN/PAN
� Ultra-wideband networks
� Free-Space Optical-Access
� Reconfigurable wireless networks
� Software defined and cognitive radio networks
� Adaptive Modulation and Coding
� Network Coding in Mobile Environments
� Wireless Propagation and Channel Characterization
� MIMO and Multi-antenna Communications
� Energy efficient/green wireless networks
� EMF Measurement Methodologies
� EMF Radiation Modelling and Simulation
� Bio-Effects of EMF Exposure

Internet of Things (IoT)
� Architectures for the Internet of Things (IPv4/6 Enabled)
� Future technologies bridging the physical/virtual worlds
� End to End / Machine to Machine (M2M) protocols
� Cloud computing and IoT internetworking
� Middleware architectures & M2M Platforms
� Embedded Web Services (RESTFul, CoAP, SOAP...)
� Lightweight structured data (EXI, JSON...)
� Mobile integration of the Web of Things
� User-oriented, context-aware IoT services
� Integration of the Handle System
� Semantic technologies for devices and services
� Indexing, naming, and addressing the Internet of Things
� Security, Trust, Privacy and Identity in the IoT
� Smart cities deployments, test-beds and field trials
� Smart cities through mobile computing
� Efficient resource management in Smart Cities
� Smart cities deployments, test-beds and field trials

Next Generation Services and Delivery Platforms
� Hybrid wired/wireless service platforms
� Heterogeneous and blended network configurations
� IMS/P2P synergy for multimedia services delivery
� Convergence of communication and global services
� GIS and location-based services
� Social networking services and platforms
� Cloud Computing and distributed services
� IaaS, PaaS, SaaS
� Everything-as-a-Service model and delivery platforms
� VoP2P and P2P-SIP services
� Next Generation Services and emerging threats
� Home network services and platforms

Software and Protocol Technologies for advanced services
� Web Services and distributed S/W technology
� Location-based services
� Distributed systems and applications
� Ubiquitous computing services and applications
� Peer-to-Peer technologies for communication services
� Service overlay networks
� Cooperative communications
� Context awareness and personalization
� Traffic modelling and traffic management
� Cross-layer design and optimization
� Energy efficiency flow control and routing mechanisms

3D Media Creation and Delivery
� 3D Capture, Processing, and Coding
� 3D audio-visual scene reconstruction techniques
� Multi-view and multi-sensor imaging
� System Architectures and Transmission for 3DTV
� Fixed and mobile 3D multimedia applications and systems
� 3D multimedia delivery, over P2P architectures
� Error resilience and error concealment of 3D video
� 3D multimedia devices and terminals
� Quality of Experience (QoE) for 3D Multimedia Services
� Subjective/Objective quality metrics & evaluation
� Interactive media processing for social groups
� Virtual reality and augmented reality
� Standardisation activities for 3D multimedia services

� Standardization � ONF, IETF, ITU, ETSI, ATIS
� SDN Controller architectures, and design challenges
� Operational models of computing, storage and networking
� OpenFlow/ OVSDB/ OF-Configuration
� Orchestration and controllers
� Performance evaluation and optimization
� Monitoring and reliability of network services
� Application of Big Data models and analytics to NFV/SDN
� Commercial models for NFV/SDN ecosystems
� Service & information orchestration/chaining
� Scalability dimensions on control architectures
� Security deployment issues including monitoring,
� Security function virtualization, security as a service

e-Services and Interactive Applications
� ICT-enabled personal health systems
� Image and video processing for E-Health
� Social networking application and services
� e- Government services and public service infrastructures
� e-Business applications and marketing strategies
� Interactive TV and Social TV
� Security and privacy for e-Services


Informatics in Geoenvironmental Monitoring
� Remote Sensing
� Natural Hazards
� Cultural Heritage
� Agriculture
� Environment
� Earthquake Prediction and Forecasting
� Landslides
� Earth Observation
� Earth’s System Complexity
� Geoenvironmental Sensors


Important Dates

Special sessions and workshops proposals..............December 20, 2015

Submission of technical papers...............................February 28, 2016, March 11, 2016

Notification of acceptance ......................................March 28, 2016 May 06, 2016

Submission of camera-ready papers .......................April 11, 2016 May 15, 2016